This property consists of four buildings including the historic Sompayrec General Store (pronounced SUMP-rack.) The store building completed and opened for business in 1815 providing general merchandise and farm equipment to the area residents. The Palmetto Trust for Historic Preservation is the owner and is looking for a buyer who is serious about restoring the property for the operation of, or leasing to a commercial enterprise. A copy of the protective covenants is available upon request.
The family operated the store continuously for 169 years until its closing in 1984. Since its closing, the store and contents sat undisturbed for almost 30 years until the Palmetto Trust for Historic Preservation set it sights on preserving the store and adjacent structures. The other structures include an old doctors office and two storage barns. Approximate building sizes are as follows: the Sompayrac Store is 2275 sf, the doctors office building is 625 sf, the small lap sided storage building is 250 sf, and the large storage building is 1140 sf.